2 August
Do promotional bags help build brand trust?

When we think of advertising, we often imagine big billboards, TV spots or adverts on the internet. But have you ever wondered how advertising bags affect brand trust? In this article, we take a look at how something as simple as a bag can affect the perception of your brand. Let’s consider why promotional bags have become such a popular marketing tool.

Why are promotional bags important?

Promotional bags are not only a practical gadget, but also an effective marketing tool. When someone carries a bag with your company logo on it, they become a living advertisement. This not only means that your brand is visible in the public space, but also that customers feel connected to your brand. After all, carrying a bag is a recommendation of sorts.

1. increased brand recognition

When people see your company logo on a bag, they start to associate it with certain values and quality. This builds brand awareness. Nowadays, with so much competition, any way to stand out is at a premium.

2. building a relationship with the customer

By giving your customer a promotional bag, you show that you care about them. It’s the small gestures that build positive relationships. The customer feels valued and important to your company, which translates into loyalty.

How do promotional bags affect trust?

Trust is a key element in a customer relationship. But how can a bag help to build it? Trust is hard to gain, but easy to lose. That’s why it’s so important that every element of communication with the customer is well thought out.

1. the quality of the bag is indicative of the quality of the brand

If the bag is sturdy and well made, people will think that your company also cares about the details. A customer who gets a poor quality bag may start to doubt the quality of the products or services you offer.

2. bags as a communication tool

The message on a bag can say a lot about your company. Are you a green company? Do you care about the community? A bag can communicate this. It’s not just logos, but also slogans or graphics that can communicate your company values.

Does every advertising bag build trust?

Not all promotional bags are created equal. It is important that the bag is not only attractive, but also functional. The choice of bag can demonstrate your approach to the customer and your attention to detail.

1. choice of material

Paper bags are an eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic bags. In an era of growing environmental awareness, choosing paper bags demonstrates a brand’s responsibility towards the environment. Companies that choose to do so show that they are committed to protecting the planet, which certainly translates into greater customer trust.

2. design and colour

A well-designed bag with thoughtful colour can set your brand apart from the competition. The colour and design of the bag should be consistent with the visual identity of your company.

At Promar Marciniak Company, we are constantly pursuing excellence. This year (2023), we have decided to raise the bar by introducing two state-of-the-art flexographic printers, which offer printing in as many as 8 colours. Thanks to these investments, we have not only improved the quality of our prints, but also significantly improved our efficiency.

Examples of successful campaigns with advertising bags

Many industry leaders successfully use advertising bags in their campaigns. Why? Because they know it works! Promotional bags are expensive, but if they are well designed and functional, they can bring many benefits.

1. bags as a gift for regular customers

By showing gratitude, companies build loyalty and trust. A regular customer who feels appreciated is sure to return for more purchases and recommend your company to others.

2. bags at events and trade fairs

This is a great way to stay in the minds of potential customers. People often pick up various goodies at these types of events, but the bag is the one that stays with them for longer.


Promotional bags are not just a gadget, but a real tool for building brand trust. A good bag can attract attention, differentiate your brand and build positive relationships with your customers. In the digital age, where most advertising is online, promotional bags remain one of the most tangible and effective marketing tools.

Have you ever wondered how something so simple can have such a big impact on your brand? Now you know!