2 August
The future of shopping: Why are paper bags overtaking plastic?


When was the last time you thought about choosing a bag when shopping? Did you opt for a plastic bag or a paper bag? The choice may seem simple, but it makes a huge difference to our planet. Nowadays, more and more people are becoming aware of the impact of our daily decisions on the environment. Therefore, it is worth considering which bag is better for the Earth. Choosing the right bag may be a small step, but it makes a big difference.

The history of the plastic bag


Plastic bags became popular in the 1960s. They were cheap, lightweight and durable. They quickly gained popularity among consumers. However, over the years we began to see their negative impact on the environment. Many manufacturers began to look for alternatives to meet the growing demand for eco-friendly products.

Environmental impact

Plastic bags can last up to 1,000 years in the environment. They pollute the oceans, harming marine life. Many animals mistake them for food, leading to their death. In addition, the production of plastic bags is energy intensive and emits gases that are harmful to the environment. Many environmentalists are sounding the alarm that we need to find an alternative to plastic bags as soon as possible.

Advantages of eco-friendly paper bags

Environmentally friendly

Paper bags are biodegradable. They decompose within a few weeks, leaving no trace. As a result, they do not pollute the environment for long. In addition, unlike plastic, paper is not toxic to animals. Supporting the production of paper bags is a step towards a more sustainable future.

Sustainable material

Paper comes from renewable sources. Trees can be replanted, creating a cycle of sustainable production. Many companies use certified paper, which means it comes from responsibly managed forests. So we can be sure that by choosing paper bags, we are supporting responsible business practices.

Comparison: plastic vs paper

Production cost

Plastic bags are cheaper to produce, but the cost to the environment is higher. Although the initial cost of producing a paper bag may be higher, the environmental benefits outweigh these costs. In the long term, an investment in paper bags may prove to be more cost-effective.


Plastic bags may be stronger, but paper bags are strong enough for most purchases. In fact, with proper use, a paper bag can last a long time. What’s more, paper bags can also be more aesthetically pleasing and stylish.


Paper bags are easier to recycle than plastic bags. In many places, plastic bags are not accepted in standard recycling programmes, whereas paper is widely recycled. This is another reason to choose paper.

How can we make the change?

Reduce plastic consumption

Let’s think twice before reaching for a plastic bag. We can also invest in reusable bags that last for years. Each of us has a say in what products we choose and the decisions we make on a daily basis.

Support for sustainable alternatives

By choosing paper bags, we support sustainable production. We can also encourage local shops to offer sustainable alternatives. Together, we can influence what products are available on the market.


The choice between a plastic bag and a paper bag may seem trivial, but it makes a huge difference to our planet. By choosing eco-friendly paper bags, we can contribute to protecting the environment. Together, we can make a difference and choose a better future for our planet. Let’s remember that every little decision matters.


  • Are paper bags more expensive than plastic bags?
    • They may be slightly more expensive, but the environmental benefits are worth it.
  • Can I use paper bags repeatedly?
    • Yes, many paper bags are strong enough to be used repeatedly.
  • Are plastic bags fully recyclable?
    • Not all of them, many end up in landfill.
  • What are the alternatives to plastic and paper bags?
    • Fabric bags, such as cotton, are a great reusable alternative.
  • Doesn’t the production of paper bags lead to the cutting down of trees?
    • Many companies use responsibly sourced paper, which minimises the environmental impact.