2 August
What are the most common myths about paper bags?

The modern world is full of myths and misunderstandings about various topics. One of these is paper bags. Although they may seem innocuous, many people have misconceptions about them. Why? Let’s take a look at the most common myths about paper bags and try to dispel them. In an era of environmental awareness, paper bags have become a symbol of environmental responsibility. But are they really as eco-friendly as they seem?

1. Paper bags are always eco-friendly

Not always. Although paper bags are biodegradable, their production can consume more energy and water than the production of plastic bags. It is crucial to pay attention to the origin of the paper and how it was produced. Not all paper bags are equally sustainable. Some may be manufactured from irresponsibly sourced raw materials, which negatively affects their environmental balance sheet.

As a PROMAR MARCINIAK COMPANY we are proud to hold the FSC Certificate. This ensures that the materials used in the production of our paper bags are fully ecological.

You can find more information about the FSC certificate in the article available at this link.

2. paper bags are just as durable as plastic bags

Not entirely true. Although there are paper bags that are highly durable, they tend to get wet and tear easily. Compared to some plastic bags, paper bags can prove to be less durable, especially when transporting heavy items. Nevertheless, with proper use and care, they can last a long time.

3. paper bags are more expensive.

It depends. Prices can vary depending on quality, paper source and other factors. In some cases, paper bags may be more expensive to produce, but their price often reflects their environmental and aesthetic value.

4. paper bags are disposable

Not true! Many people use paper bags repeatedly, especially if they are strong and durable. With proper care, a paper bag can last for many shop visits. In addition, they can also be used as gift wrapping or to store items.

5. paper bags are not fashionable

Who said it. Many brands and designers create stylish paper bags that are both practical and fashionable. Nowadays, with eco-friendliness at the top of the agenda, paper bags have become an expression of style and environmental awareness.

Why are these myths so prevalent?

People often accept information without questioning its source. In the age of social media, it is easy to share information that is not always accurate. Lack of education and misinformation can lead to misconceptions.

How can we combat these myths?

Education is key. The more we know about the products we use, the better we can make informed decisions. By sharing real information and promoting responsible consumption, we can counter these myths.


Paper bags have many advantages, but it is important to understand the facts and myths associated with them. When choosing a paper bag, think about its source, quality and potential environmental impact. Remember that every choice matters and can affect the planet.


  1. Are paper bags always better for the environment than plastic bags? Not always. It is important to consider the entire life cycle of the bag, from production to disposal.
  2. Can I use a paper bag repeatedly? Yes, many paper bags are strong enough to be used repeatedly.
  3. How do I know if my paper bag is eco-friendly? Check the labels and information from the manufacturer. These can provide information about the source of the paper and the manufacturing process.
  4. Are paper bags more expensive to produce? This depends on many factors, such as the quality of the paper, the production process and others.
  5. Are paper bags durable? Some are more durable than others. It is important to choose good quality bags that meet your needs.